Why do countries imperialize other countries

We have to look forward beyond the chatter of platforms, and the passions of party, to the future of the race of which we are at present the trustees, and we should, in my opinion, grossly fail in the task that has been laid upon us did we shrink from responsibilities, and decline to take our share in a partition of the world which we have not forced on, but which has been forced upon us. Conservative Theories Examples: Disraeli, Rhodes, Kipling Imperialism is necessary to preserve the existing social order in the more developed countries.

It is necessary to secure trade, markets, to maintain employment and capital exports, and to channel the energies and social conflicts of the metropolitan populations into foreign countries. There is a very strong ideological and racial assumption of Western superiority within this body of thought. We could not leave the Philippines to themselves--they were unfit for self-government--and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's was There was nothing left for us to do but take them all and educate the Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them.

Liberal Theories Examples: Hobson, Angell Imperialism is a policy choice, not an inevitable consequence of capitalism.

Increasing concentration of wealth within the richer countries leads to underconsumption for the mass of people. Overseas expansion is a way to reduce costs and thereby increase or maintain profit levels and to secure new consumption. Imperialism means creating an empire, expanding into the neighbouring regions and expanding its dominance far. Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.

Imperialism is a policy way of governing in which large or powerful countries seek to extend their authority beyond their own borders. The policy of imperialism aims at the creation of an empire. Imperialist countries take control of other countries.

They may use military force to do this. One example of imperialism is when the British established colonies in North America. The British established thirteen colonies in what is now the United States. One of the most notable examples of American imperialism in this age was the annexation of Hawaii in , which allowed the United States to gain possession and control of all ports, buildings, harbors, military equipment, and public property that had formally belonged to the Government of the Hawaiian Islands.

Cultural imperialism, in anthropology, sociology, and ethics, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community.

In essence, with the discovery of the New World it helped shape the way it is now. More things and idea started to emerge and take action. With all the new land that was discovery Europeans knew they could make profit off of it by making slave do agricultural work. They wanted to conquer new lands, in order to tighten there grasp on the world.

They also wanted to establish colonies in the Americas. So that they could obtain more luxurious with ease. Because of these reason both Portugal, and Spain became two of the greatest world powers of the sixteenth century.

All four of these motive are equally important. The Spanish and English were relatively successful in the New World in that the trade economy grew, travel allowed for expansion, and new ideas were spread throughout the globe.

However, along with the spread of new ideas came the spread of diseases, expansion resulted in the destruction of numerous cultures and the growth of the trade economy was disastrous for natives. The successes in the New World were extremely beneficial to both the English and the Spanish. The Spanish conquering of the Aztec Empire in inspired a chain of events, and they were able to take Aztec gold and land which helped the Spanish expand their country and economy.

Similarly, the creation in colonies in North America by England resulted in wealth from crops such. In , the slave trade grow greatly because of the trade with America. This event became a part of the triangle trade and a new world economy. Triangle trade connected Europe, Africa, Asia and America. Europe would export cloth, guns, and utensils to Africa, then Africa would export slaves to America and sold. America then would sell tobacco and sugar to Europe were they would be sold at markets.

Finally, the Africans bartered using their people and gave them to the colonists. Please note: This topic's content was written in and is part of the old curriculum content, we have modified it slightly to fit the new curriculum but we will be further updating the content in the coming months. Many countries in the world experienced imperialism when they were taken over and ruled by a more powerful country.

The main motive for imperialism was to obtain and control a supply of raw materials for industries. This meant that a weaker country with abundant natural resources would be colonised. Imperialists were often brutal in the way they treated the indigenous population.

Sometimes they chose a less aggressive approach, obtaining the co-operation of the local people and working with their traditional rulers and social and political structures and practices.

This section is quite long so we have broken it into two pages: Defining Imperialism. In the late 18th century, life in Europe and America changed dramatically. Revolutions in America and France ushered in a new political order. The Industrial Revolution in Britain modernised farming, the processing of raw materials and manufacturing of goods. Later industrialisation spread to Europe and to the USA. Economic progress came at the cost of rapid urbanisation and social problems.

Industrialisation also influenced political change. Britain developed into a democracy as a result. Industrialisation created a huge demand for raw materials and led to the colonisation of Africa and Asia for these resources. Industrialisation and technological progress boosted European and American confidence, and national pride. They became convinced that they were superior. Their lust for power climaxed in the two World Wars of the 20th century.

The word imperialism comes from the term empire. Imperialism refers to the practice of domination of one country by another in order to expand territory, power and influence.

It usually carries with it the idea of cultural superiority on the part of the imperialist, judging the way of life, traditions and beliefs of those colonised as inferior and worthy of replacement:. Imperialism takes the form of political control and creating economic dependence. In Europe, the period of imperialism coincided with growing nationalism and unification when previously divided political units were united under a single monarchy.

Unification allowed for empire building because people were gathered under a monarchy that claimed the right to rule them. Examples are German and Italian unification. Towards the end of the 19th century, imperialism became a policy of colonial expansion pursued by different European powers. The Prime Minister of France, Jules Ferry in his justification of this policy told his parliament that:.

They have the duty to civilize the inferior races [non Europeans] France and Britain saw imperialism as a way of carrying out their responsibility to civilise non-European societies. Other imperialists believed imperialism was necessary for their country's economic growth. They argued that Europe's high import tariffs government fees allowing foreign traders to bring in goods for sale made it difficult to access customers and markets there. They had no choice but to look for other markets outside Europe.

Lord Lugard of Britain said that:. Lugard further justified the policy of colonial expansion by saying that the benefits were not limited to Britain. Colonies would gain access to superior European goods and influence. The Scramble for Africa in the s to was motivated by these ideas.

Imperialist ambitions in Africa were boosted by the expansion of competitive trade in Europe. The main aim was to secure commercial and trade links with African societies and protect those links from other European competitors.


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