Why did landa let shoshanna live

What does Hans Landa order? Is Hans Landa a real person? What pipe does Hans Landa use? What makes Hans Landa a good villain? Why is Basterds spelled wrong? What does Kino mean? Who is Fredrick Zoller based on? How did Shoshanna get a cinema? What happened Madame Mimieux? What is the ending of Inglourious Basterds? Was Hans Landa a bad guy? Who killed who in Inglourious Basterds bar scene?

Is Inglorious Basterds a true movie? What makes Inglourious Basterds so good? Hans Landa as a character has been studied multiple times by movie enthusiasts and his behaviour often hints at him not being psychologically fit. It also sets him apart from the other characters in the film, in that he prefers milk to alcoholic beverages , which is meant to show that he does not partake in vices and keeps his mind clear. Landa did not recognize Shosanna.

He did not get a good look at her in the beginning of the film. And if he suspected she would try to get revenge, he would have to think it would be primarily directed at him. He is portrayed by Austrian actor Christoph Waltz. He uses a very methodical and Holmesian approach in his search for hidden Jews, suggesting that either something had changed his perspective during the time gap, or he simply stated so to win Aldo's trust.

He also wisely switched sides, deliberately capturing Aldo and Utivich instead of executing them, as he was aware that the tide of the war was against the Germans and knowing that he would be trialed and executed for his crimes, should he be caught.

Despite several loyalty awards within the SS, and his long career with them his badges show that he joined the NSDAP in , Landa is not a true believer in Nazi ideology; he admits he has no personal animus toward Jews, and that he is simply very accomplished at hunting them and therefore does what is asked of him.

He also shows himself to be quite ambitious, as when negotiating with the General of the OSS for his "conditional surrender", he wanted history to write down his "contribution" to Operation Kino as a double-agent and demanded rewards for his service: pardon for any of his crimes he committed as SS officer, US citizenship, full pension, Congressional Medal of Honor and property on Nantucket Island, further emphasizing that he's an opportunist willing to switch sides to stay on the winning side.

Besides speaking German, he is also fluent in at least English, French and Italian. Although he said to Mr. LaPadite that his knowledge of French was not excellent, he may have said it in an effort to conceal his suspicions of LaPadite's hiding the Dreyfuss family from them if they happened to be within hearing distance, showing his excellent calculations and lateral thinking.

Hans Landa was played by Christoph Waltz. Quentin Tarantino has said that Landa might be the greatest character he has ever written. Landa was crucial for the movie and the actor who would play that role had to not only be fluent in French, German, English and Italian but to be able to act in these languages too; and during the casting Tarantino was about to quit the movie as he said in an interview and release the script to the web.

His crew at the time begged for another 2 weeks of casting. After more than a week Tarantino was again about to give up since he had not been able to find the actor suitable for the role. It was during Christoph Waltz's audition when he whispered into one of his coworker's ear Bender "we have our movie". The role ultimately went to the Austrian actor Christoph Waltz, who, according to Tarantino, "gave me my movie back", as he felt the movie could not be made without Landa as a character but feared the part was "unplayable.

Some believe Landa's part was originally created for Leonardo DiCaprio but the role created for this actor was the one of Aldo Raine. When Waltz auditioned for the role, he had no prior correspondence with director Quentin Tarantino or producer Lawrence Bender , and believed that the character of Hans Landa was being used during the audition process to cast other roles. Waltz stated that he was most impressed with the dialogue and the depth of the character.

Waltz describes Landa's character as one who has an understanding of how the world works, stating that the swastika means nothing to him. He adds that he is not driven by ideology, and that if anyone were to call Landa a Nazi, he would clarify that he was not, stating that just because he wears a Nazi uniform does not mean that he believes in the Nazi ideology.

In describing the ending between the Basterds and Landa, he describes him as "realistic to the point of being inhuman", adding that he understands that the world is not just one thing at a time, and even though these things may contradict each other, they do not necessarily have to. The character Col. Hans Landa was named after one of Tarantino's repeat customers when he worked at Video Archive, a now defunct video rental store in Manhattan Beach.

The customer, Hans Landa, was an Austrian immigrant. Tarantino bonded with Landa over their mutual love of foreign films. Upon hearing of Landa's death, Tarantino paid his respects to him by naming the character after him. In late , legendary British actor Michael Caine praised Christoph Waltz's performance as Hans Landa, saying it was "the best performance of a villain I've seen in years". In Reservoir Dogs, Mr.

Orange performs the same action, in a similar shot. The only black man in this film a Frenchman is named "Marcel". Marcellus was the name of the African-American crime boss in Pulp Fiction. Donny Donowitz shares a last name with Lee Donowitz, who was a film producer character in the Tarantino-written film True Romance, and Tarantino has confirmed that the two are father and son.

Probably the best person to recommend movies that inspired Inglourious Basterds is director Quentin Tarantino himself.

The five include 1 The Great Escape about a mass escape of Allied POWs from a Nazi prison camp, 2 The Dirty Dozen in which 12 convicted murderers lead a mass assassination mission of German officers, 3 Five Graves to Cairo in which a British officer seeks to penetrate the secrets of the "Desert Fox" German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel , 4 Tonight We Raid Calais in which a British intelligence officer plots to destroy a Nazi munitions plant in France, and 5 Action in Arabia featuring a reporter in the Middle East who becomes caught up in the Allied-Nazi struggle for the sympathies of the Arab world.

If you enjoyed Inglourious Basterds, you may wish to see other films by Quentin Tarantino, e. Rachtman approaches and salutes Lt. Hugo Stiglitz's theme. Donowitz's introduction. Landa again for the first time since he killed her family. Claire's First Appearance, by Jacques Loussier , from The Mercenaries : Shosanna decides to burn the theatre down on the night of the premiere of Stolz der Nation.

Wilhelm interrupts the conversation to talk to Bridget. Landa studies the lobby and finds Bridget and the Basterds. Zulus, composed by Elmer Bernstein and performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra , from Zulu Dawn : Marcel bars the doors and takes his place behind the screen with the nitrate film prints.

According to Wikipedia, the first recorded use of a squib in motion pictures was in , so it's unlikely the technology existed in or before for Nation's Pride. However, since Quentin Tarantino is known for anachronistic aspects in his films, this shouldn't come as such a surprise.

The Basterds had the guns and dynamite ready. They could have taken care of this, and hashed out any further details of Operation Kino in a private setting even at the tailor's shop. Fenech and von Hammersmark mentioned that the area around the tavern would be clear of Nazis.

Also, meeting at a private place such as a hotel room may have been inconvenient for all parties, and von Hammersmark could have drawn attention as she is a famous actress in Germany. The guise of a couple German soldiers meeting a famous German actress for a drink at a tavern is much less suspect then each of them sneaking off somewhere secretive. Especially in case von Hammersmark was being followed. Viewers have suggested that 1 Landa Christoph Waltz admired Shosanna's will for survival, 2 the distance between them was too great for an accurate shot, 3 Landa wanted her to spread the rumors of him being "the Jew Hunter", 4 he had no doubt that he could track her down at a later time, and 5 he didn't want to shoot her in the back mentioned in the script, but left out of the movie.

In the "Cannes cut", he informs his soldiers that she will freeze to death anyway in the coming winter. Likely not.

While Landa is a bit of a sociopath, he also seems to keep his word when he promises LaPadite he won't kill him if he turns over the Dreyfuses. Landa was a brilliant detective, while at the beginning of the film, he says he loves his unofficial title of "The Jew Hunter" because he has earned it.

Yet late in the film, when Aldo refers to Landa by this name, Landa is disgusted by it, because at this point, he was no longer "hunting Jews" so to speak and could be honest with Raine though given his opportunistic nature, it could also be the possibility he claims to dislike his title as to appear a better person in front of the Allied Forces.

So, at the beginning, he already knew that Mr. LaPadite was hiding the Jews beneath his floorboards, but Landa promised him that if he were to make Landa's job easier and admit it, that the German army would never bother him or his family again.

LaPadite, put in an impossible position, reluctantly confesses and Landa has the Dreyfus family hidden beneath the floorboards executed, with the exception of Shosanna. Landa would likely want LaPadite to spread the story of what happened, so he would let him and his family live. Also, if one gains a reputation for being true to their word, it's more likely someone in the future would give up information easier upon promise of their life.

If Landa went around killing everyone who was helping Jews, he would gain a reputation as such, therefore eventually someone would know that they were dead either way and likely try and kill Landa in the process.

Also, Tarantino has a recurring theme of honour in his movies. When a character, even a villain, gives their word, they tend to keep it. While Tarantino has made it pretty clear that in his film's world, Hitler was gunned down in the movie theater and didn't meet his real life fate, thus helping to end the war, fans have nevertheless put forth a theory that perhaps it was a double that was killed in the theater, or perhaps the actual Hitler was killed but a double "assumed the throne" and continued until committing suicide in the bunker in It would be a little too convenient for them to have doubles, as well.

In historical reality, Hitler visited Paris only one time for a single day, when he traveled there to accept the French surrender in June The Sergeant from the baseball bat scene Sgt. His picture was in the paper, yes. But the rumours and stories about Stiglitz would likely mainly travel by word-of-mouth throughout the ranks of the German Army.

Even if a good portion of the army saw Hugo's picture in the newspaper, he doesn't have any real distinct features that make him stand out in a crowd. Also it was said that instead of being executed he was to be sent to Berlin to be made an example of. Once the Basterds rescued him, Hitler's propaganda probably wouldn't want this to be found out Keep in mind that is just theorizing so they kept it quiet so most German Soldiers probably assumed he was back in Berlin.

So when they see a man that looks much like Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz, but is in a Lieutenant's uniform, they may just think "hey he looks familiar" or "Hey he looks like Stiglitz" All the soldiers in the Tavern were very drunk and paid little or no attention to him as he also sat with his back to them.

Hellstrom on the other hand, would likely know who Stiglitz was, as he was a Gestapo officer. But once again, may have assumed this man just looked like Stiglitz or paid little or no attention to him as he was focusing his suspicions on Hicox and his "bizarre accent".

Things are very confusing given that the events of the main shootout all happen in under 35 seconds: 1. Stiglitz starts things off by telling Hellstrom to say "auf Wiedersehen" to his Nazi balls, then shoots him in his groin. Hellstrom then shoots Hicox in turn and hits Bridget in the leg, who falls backward in her chair, while Hicox falls backward and returns fire at Hellstrom.

Stiglitz then stands up and repeatedly stabs Hellstrom in the back of the head, pinning his head to the table. Wicki stands up and shoots Winnetou in the back at least twice. Beethoven shoots Stiglitz in the back. Mata Hari shoots Wicki in the stomach. Stiglitz turns and shoots Beethoven four times in the torso and then also shoots Edgar Wallace in the heart, killing them both.

Wicki shoots Mata Hari in the heart. Eric shoots Stiglitz with a double-barreled shotgun, killing him. Note: this is the only shot that isn't definitive as there is an extreme close-up of Eric while he takes aim, but when there is a wide shot of him, he appears to be aiming in Stiglitz' direction.

It was theorized he was shooting at the Germans, but Wicki wouldn't have shot him if that was so. Wicki shoots Eric in the head. Wilhelm blindly guns down Wicki and Mathilda with his MP40 submachine gun.


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